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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 17, Issue 4, pp. 783-1017

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Comparisons of Lattice Boltzmann and Finite Difference Methods for a Two-Dimensional Viscous Burgers Equation

Bracy H. Elton

pp. 783-813

Direct Numerical Calculations of a Neutral Stability Curve for One-Dimensional Detonations

Wei Cai, Wonho Oh, and Youlan Zhu

pp. 814-829

ILUM: A Multi-Elimination ILU Preconditioner for General Sparse Matrices

Y. Saad

pp. 830-847

Efficient Algorithms for Computing a Strong Rank-Revealing QR Factorization

Ming Gu and Stanley C. Eisenstat

pp. 848-869

Parallelizing the QR Algorithm for the Unsymmetric Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem: Myths and Reality

Greg Henry and Robert van de Geijn

pp. 870-883

An Overdetermined Schwarz Alternating Method

Huosheng Sun and Wei-Pai Tang

pp. 884-905

Random Relaxation of Fixed-Point Iteration

Markku Verkama

pp. 906-912

Rapid Computation of the Discrete Fourier Transform

Chris Anderson and Marie Dillon Dahleh

pp. 913-919

Fast Recursive Least Squares Adaptive Filtering by Fast Fourier Transform-Based Conjugate Gradient Iterations

Michael K. Ng and Robert J. Plemmons

pp. 920-941

A Convolution Algorithm with Application to Data Assimilation

Ranjit M. Passi, R. Kent Goodrich, Mark Limber, and John C. Derber

pp. 942-955

A General Heuristic for Choosing the Regularization Parameter in Ill-Posed Problems

Martin Hanke and Toomas Raus

pp. 956-972

Bayesian-Validated Surrogates for Noisy Computer Simulations; Application to Random Media

Serhat Yesilyurt, Chahid K. Ghaddar, Manuel E. Cruz, and Anthony T. Patera

pp. 973-992

Primal-Dual Combinatorial Relaxation Algorithms for the Maximum Degree of Subdeterminants

Satoru Iwata, Kazuo Murota, and Izumi Sakuta

pp. 993-1012

Verification May be Better than Estimation

C. Falcó Korn, B. Hörmann, and C. P. Ullrich

pp. 1013-1017